This course titled Isu Mutakhir Linguistik Terapan or Current Issues in Applied Linguistics is given to both masters (S2) and doctoral (S3) students as Sam Ratulangi University's Linguistics Postgraduate Program in the second semester. It is offered as a compulsory subject that both levels have to take to fulfill their study requirements. It is particularly addressed to the students who take Applied Linguistics as the major interest of their study field.
This course consists of some current or contemporary issues, especially dealing with language teaching such as Communicative Language Teaching and its
Implications in Language Teaching, The Roles of Teachers and Students in Current
Teaching Practices, Language Teaching in the Era of Globalization, Technology and Language Teaching/Learning, and Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching.
It is hoped that after taking the course, the students are able to understand
and learn current issues pertaining to applied linguistics, language teaching in particular. They are also capable of
and analyzing the contemporary issues in relation to their own teaching
practices or research.
- Pengajar: Andriyani Marentek